Love My Bay chats to Daniel Collins of Griffin Corp

GRIFFIN CORP – The backbone of any business from beginning to end.

Griffin Corp aims to empower and make you a formidable contender in your respective business sector by providing accurate and timeous advice on how to best reach your intended goals. 

LMB chats to the director, Daniel, of Griffin Corp to find out more about them and what they are all about.

LMB: Tell us a little bit about you and your business partner and partner in life and all things amazing, Zelda. A brief introduction to the background of the people we can expect to deal with at Griffin Corp

Zelda and I are married. I am a registered accountant and tax specialist. Zelda is a labour law specialist. We have a staff compliment of more than 10, however, you can expect to deal with either Zelda, or her second in charge, Marcel Swartz. Marcel is our financial data analyst and works closely with Zelda to have the Griffin Corp machine run smoothly. 

LMB: Please tell us a little bit more about your businesses expertise and the services you offer. 

Griffin Corp administers everything SARS related. Registering, completing and filing of Tax, VAT, Payroll Taxes, Customs for imports and Exports and everything in between. Griffin Corp will register new companies and trust structures for clients to be tax and risk efficient. We will then administer the monthly bookkeeping and draft annual financial statements.

LMB: What kind of target market does Griffin Corp Business Trust typically have? 

Griffin Corp groom young businesses to grow into strong small businesses, also know as SME’s. Small businesses are crucial to alleviate unemployment in the community and to be a feasible source of income for the owners. Our target market is the small businesses.

LMB: Do you offer any internships or learnerships for students needing experience? 

Yes we do. We offer accounting traineeships via Charted Institute of Business Accountants and tax traineeships via SAIT, South African Institute for Tax Professionals.

LMB: What would you say makes Griffin Corp stand out from others in your field? Namely Accounting, Tax and HR firms. 

Griffin Corp is driven by making a change in the community. We want to see our community better off where we can help in doing so. Griffin Corp does this by building our clients. As our clients thrive, they employ more people, and so we uplift the community.

LMB: Being in business since 2012, have you seen any major changes in the industries you offer service to and how have you had to adapt?

With constant legislation changes relating to the Income Tax Act, Companies Act, Labour and Relations Act and many more, we ensure that Griffin Corp staff members remain up to date with regular training. Our controlling bodies, Charted Institute of Business Accountants and South African Institute for Tax Professionals assists greatly in hosting training seminars.

LMB: You offer a free initialising consultation. How are these usually conducted. Do you offer video consults or strictly face to face meetings with potential clients?

Griffin Corp has clients across South Africa. With our clients that are not based in Port Elizabeth, we consult virtually. With the technology available, these meeting are convenient. We setup a face-to-face meeting with clients that are based in Port Elizabeth. Technology can never replace the significance of looking someone in the eye and shaking their hand. The initialising meeting is intended to be a needs analysis meeting which takes about 2 hours. Here we determine what company structure will best suit the client’s needs and the services required.

LMB: Do you only service Port Elizabeth or are you available Nationwide for businesses?

Griffin Corp has clients country wide.

LMB: Are your services available to SMEs as well as those needing assistance in a personal capacity.

Griffin Corp has clients trading as SME’s as well as individuals trading in their personal names. We cover the extensive range from the house wife requiring UIF registration for her house cleaner and gardener, to multi million rand company group structures. A small business tends to start with an individual starting the so called “side hustle”, which we then assist in grooming into a fully fletched SME.

LMB: Where do you see Griffin Corp in the next 5 years. Any exciting new plans you want to share or goals you are hoping to achieve?

Griffin Corp is a family business. We understand the importance of family and legacy. We strive to be beyond successful, and that can only be achieved by having our clients’ exceed what they thought possible for their own business.

Find out more about them online:

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